Question the “experts” - about everything.

It's good to be skeptical. Like obedient schoolchildren, so many people swallow everything up like medicine without asking questions or digging deeper. The direction of the herd isn’t always right.

When you think for yourself, you will often feel like you're alone. But you're not the only one with a maverick mind! Join Ehris & Velya, who challenge the mainstream ways of thinking and refuse to follow the herd, in their divergent workshops.

We believe that learning (and life) should never be boring!

The Grounded Goodlife mother/daughter duo offer virtual hands-on holistic Green Witch workshops and Herstory Unsanitized (taboo women's history) presentations. 

Holistic Workshops:

One of the themes of Velya and Ehris’ book, Dare to be a Green Witch (Llewellyn Worldwide, July 2021), is that we’re living in one of the most fearmongering times in history. For Big Pharma, and politicians, fear is worth billions. If you want to control someone, all you have to do is make them feel afraid. For too long, we’ve been brainwashed that allopathic doctors know best, and prescriptions are our only option.

Alternatively, turning to the plants and “weeds” in your backyard to make a remedy allows you to take an active role in your health and well-being. But, more importantly, it’s fun, inexpensive, safe, empowering, and it works!

Whether you’re a wanna-be herbal witch, love the idea of making holistic gifts, or just want to live the natural life on a budget, these hands-on holistic workshops are a great resource to add some DIY herbal products to your repertoire. Courageously dabble in the world of “witchiness.” 

Herstory Unsanitized Presentations:

Binge-watch VikingsTurn, or Frontier, and you’ll see people being disemboweled, tortured, and decapitated – but you won’t see anything about menstruation, chamber pots, birth control, breastfeeding, or poopy babies. It’s 2023, but these “unsanitary” subjects still make many people uncomfortable.

The most common reason why people hate history is because they find it boring. So often we’ve heard, “In high school, we just had to memorize facts about dead people.” People pass history tests by parroting thick, biased, obsolete history textbooks. They write predictable essays that follow the perfect five paragraph format. They become regurgitators – not lovers of history.

Grounded Goodwife’s herstory unsanitized presentations explore the engrossing “taboo” topics omitted from history. They’re not about bustles, butlers, spinning wheels, quilting bees, hornbooks, or hoop rolling. Audiences will be alternately chuckling and aghast!

Books by Ehris & Velya

  • Dare to be a Green Witch

    Velya & Ehris' latest book! From creating a Cozy Nights Herbal Sleep Pillow to Little Miss Muffett’s Strawberry Whey Lemonade, Dare to be a Green Witch shows you how to use nature’s gifts and enjoy holistic wellness. Blurbed by famed herbalists Rosemary Gladstar and Susun Weed! Click here to order.

  • How to Survive a Brazilian Betrayal

    Velya and Ehris’ mother/daughter memoir (Green Writers Press, 2019), reveals how the duo were grounded, lost everything, became better versions of themselves, and a dynamic mother/daughter team. Click here to order.

Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.

- Thomas A. Edison